
In order to be able to help you choose an international partner institution, we would ask you to contact the International Office at an early stage.
An Erasmus+ stay can take place in the third semester at the earliest. The duration of your stay must be at least 2 and can last a maximum of 12 months per study cycle (Bachelor, Master, PhD).
Requirements for a semester abroad:

  • Erasmus Charter ECHE
  • Inter-institutional agreement between the Private University College for Teacher Education Burgenland and the host organisation
  • Enrolment as an ordinary student
  • Study success
  • Completion of the OLS assessment to prove proficiency in the language of instruction at the partner university
  • Compatibility of study programmes / subjects
  • Flexibility and solution orientation in dealing with unforeseeable events

The basis for recognition is the study programme (Learning Agreement for 30 ECs) signed by the student, the Private University College for Teacher Education Burgenland and the host university before your stay abroad.
Due to the different application deadlines at the partner universities, please contact the International Office at VERONIKA.RAITH(AT)PH-BURGENLAND.AT in good time (at least 12 months) before the planned stay abroad.

You can find further information at OeAD Erasmus+ OeAD Erasmus.

Application documents

For a successful and smooth processing of your application to a partner university, the following documents must be submitted:

  • Binding application to the Private University College of Teacher Education Burgenland
  • Learning agreement
  • Required documents of the host university