
Teaching mobility within the Erasmus+ programme: University of Koblenz-Landau, Campus Landau

The cooperation with the University of Koblenz-Landau, Campus Landau, Faculty 7, has been going on for more than ten years. During this time there has been a lively exchange and intensive cooperation in the field of primary school teacher training for Mathematics. At the same time, a long-standing teaching staff mobility developed.

As part of this year's activities, Markus Reiter (PPH Burgenland) gave a lecture on " - Media as a basis for learning processes". After the presentation, there was a possibility for dialogue with the participants. Furthermore, an internal training of the staff of the Department of Mathematics took place. Here, the various possible applications of analogue and digital media were discussed and tested in practice. The course was concluded with a block event on 6th and 7th December as part of the Master's course on "Acquiring Competence in Mathematics Education with digital and analogue Media. Media worlds and learning environments: Use of analogue and digital media in geometry lessons". The focus of this course was the didactic preparation of geometric contents for the work with pupils as well as the didactically justified use of media. In addition to theoretical aspects, the students were able to work intensively on geometrical questions by means of challenging tasks and substantial or digital learning environments. In terms of illustrative and action-oriented learning processes, an up-to-date implementation of traditional and digital media in the design of competence-oriented learning settings was demonstrated.