Centre for Digital Competence

Digitalisation is increasingly permeating private and professional areas of life. To be able to actively participate in this changing world, competences are needed, which are summarised by the technical term "digital competence". This also changes society's educational mandate and poses new challenges for schools and universities. In order to do justice to this development in Burgenland, Austria, the Centre for Digital Teaching and Learning was founded in 2018 at the Private University College of Teacher Education Burgenland (PPHB), which has been renamed Centre for Digital Competence (German "Zentrum für digitale Kompetenz", ZDK) in November 2021. Its goals are closely linked to the specific requirements of Burgenland's educational landscape: Scientific research in the areas of digitisation, digital technologies and related didactics, the development of educational offers, which are brought to schools in cooperation with the respective departments of the PPHB or the Burgenland Education Directorate, and finally the expansion of offers directed at the PPHB's staff. In this context, special emphasis is placed on critical reflection with regard to digitalisation and digital technologies as well as related developments. In addition, the ZDK is a contact point and a reliable partner for corresponding projects.

Study programmes (German):

  • Coding und Robotik (30 ECTS-AP)
  • Digikomp P (6 ECTS-AP)
  • Digitale Grundbildung (12 ECTS-AP)