Extra-occupational study programme

This programme includes a sound education in all theological disciplines. It conveys religious orientation knowledge, promotes the ability to question and argue theological questions and strengthens the ability to justify oneself ethically. It thus enables the acquisition of religious, ethical-moral, personal and social skills and enables students to discuss the meaning of religion in the school context and beyond with children, adolescents and young adults.

  •     Understanding one's own and foreign religions and cultures
  •     Development of own positions and viewpoints
  •     Acquisition of (religious) pedagogical competences
  •     Interesting professional field as a teacher of religion

Folder (pdf)

Study programme

The University College of Teacher Education Burgenland, in cooperation with the Catholic Theological Faculty of the Karl-Franzens-University Graz and the Private University College of Teacher Education Augustinum, offers you the opportunity to train as a teacher of religion in joint Bachelor and Master studies in the Teacher Education Network South-East.

What does this mean?

Katholische Religionspädagogik studieren... (pdf)
Folder Unterrichtsfach Katholische Religion (pdf)
Religionslehrer_in werden (pdf)

University course to acquire the extraordinary qualification to teach Catholic Religious Education

This higher education course is aimed at students and graduates of the Bachelor's programme at primary level and the Bachelor's programme in teaching at secondary level general education (SekAB) in the Teacher Education Network South-East. In connection with a Bachelor's programme at primary level and the Bachelor's programme in teaching at secondary level of general education, it qualifies students and graduates of the Bachelor's programme in teaching at secondary level of general education to be exceptionally qualified to teach Catholic Religious Education.

Modulübersicht (PDF)

University course for the acquisition of the extraordinary qualification to teach Protestant Religious Education

The aim of this university course is to enable students to temporarily provide Protestant Religious Education at compulsory schools for a limited period of time.

Modulübersicht (PDF)

A. o. Qualification religion r. k. - a. o. Qualification religion ev.

Anmeldeformular (PDF)

Modulübersicht (PDF)

All modules contain both subject-specific and subject-didactic elements, which are implemented in different forms of courses adapted to the respective situation. We work/learn in a competence-oriented manner, we build on our experience. In doing so, we seek out special learning locations, e.g: University of Zadar, Croatia.