Publications of the Private University College for Teacher Education Burgenland

Since 2011, phpublico has been presenting the academic achievements of the PPH and its teachers as well as the discourses in the context of which the PPH conducts research. The journal is thus both a forum for the production and dissemination of knowledge at the university which serves a lively exchange, and a link between the sciences, their didactics and pedagogical and educational theory and practice.

phpublico focuses on the sciences represented at the PPH and - as part of them - on the entire pedagogical community.

phpublico is published digitally (accepted articles are accessible promptly in citable form) and twice a year, in June and December, as a printed issue; the issues focus on specific topics, while at the same time an open section represents the diversity of our university research and outreach activities.

We ask you to submit your contributions according to the guidelines provided to: calls.phpublico(at)

Click here for link to German download section of all issues of phpublico.