Bachelor Programme in Elementary Pedagogics

Duration of studies: 6 semesters
Credits: 180 ECTS
Course Director: Mag. Dagmar Kogler-Velich

The Bachelor Programme in Elementary Pedagogics is aimed at managers of preschools and child care institutions and at preschool teachers who are interested in such a function.

The curriculum for the Bachelor Programme in Elementary Pedagogics was developed jointly by representatives of the University College of Teacher Education Burgenland, the University College of Teacher Education Styria, the Private University College of Teacher Education Augustinum and the University College of Teacher Education Carinthia, and was also closely coordinated with the Department of Elementary Pedagogics at the Department of Educational Sciences at the University of Graz, in order to ensure that the Bachelor Programme in Elementary Pedagogics can be connected to the Master's programme in the field of Educational Sciences at the University of Graz, subject to certain conditions.

The Bachelor Programme in Elementary Pddagogics in the Teacher Education Network South-East aims at a profession- and science-oriented training for the competences required in the professional field. With reference to the Higher Education Act 2005 (as amended), the Teacher Education Network South-East pursues the tasks (§ 8 HG 2005) and guiding principles (§ 9 HG 2005) with regard to the pedagogical profession and its occupational fields within the framework of teaching and research.

In terms of content, analyses of the occupational field, empirical findings, the educational concept of the national education framework plan and the competences of pedagogues recommended by the Development Council are incorporated into the educational concept f the programme.