Examination subjects

Written work on a general topic: The candidates have to prove that they are able to express themselves in writing on a given topic in an impeccable and fluent language and with a clear train of thought. There are three topics to choose from. The working time is four hours.

Mathematics 1: Sets of numbers; equations and inequalities; linear systems of equations and inequalities; vectors; matrices; determinants; elementary functions; basic concepts of differential and integral calculus; introduction to probability theory and statistics. The examination consists of a written and oral part.

Modern foreign language 2: Skill areas - listening, reading, speaking and writing - according to the European Framework of Reference - competence level B2:

  • can understand the main ideas of complex texts on both concrete and abstract topics;
  • also understands technical discussions in his/her own field of specialisation
  • can communicate so spontaneously and fluently that a normal conversation with native speakers is possible without much effort on either side
  • can express him/herself clearly and in detail on a wide range of subjects, explain a viewpoint on a topical issue and indicate the advantages and disadvantages of various options
  • Knowledge and use of grammar, basic and advanced vocabulary

Contents of the examination:

  • Testing listening and reading comprehension
  • Translating a simple text into correct German
  • Writing an essay

Examination method: written and oral

Pedagogical basics: With the subject "Pedagogical basics", candidates must prove that they are able to express themselves in writing or orally on topics of pedagogy. The subject areas include general basic concepts and questions of pedagogy and its sub-disciplines, the educational process, media education and institutions of education and training. The examination is to be taken in a written or oral examination procedure (1 hour).

Elective subject from the intended course of study. (2) For the elective subject, a lecture examination comprising at least 3 ECTS credits from the desired course of study is to be taken, which is recommended in the curriculum for the first or second semester of the course of study. For the teacher training programme for secondary level VET, a seminar of at least 3 ECTS credits recommended in the curriculum for the first or second semester of the programme may be attended instead. It is recommended that a lecture examination or, for the teacher training programme for secondary level VET, a seminar from the intended course of study is chosen. The elective subject is to be specified at the time of admission to the Studienberechtigungsprüfung. A subsequent change is possible at the request of the candidate or if the courses offered have been changed.

You can find preparation courses at the VHS Burgenland here.