Bullying (prevention) counsellors of the Federal Ministry of Education

Mobbing(präventions)berater_innen des Bundesministeriums für Bildung, Wissenschaft und Forschung

At the beginning of the calendar year 2021, the Federal Minister of Education appointed new bullying (prevention) counsellors. In Burgenland, Andrea Szklenar and Marietta Mager were appointed at the Burgenland Education Directorate, and Daniela Plohovits-Kittelmann, Elisabeth Muik and Florian Wallner were appointed at the Private University College of Teacher Education Burgenland for a period of three years.

Bullying (prevention) counselling to ensure a conducive working environment

The background to this counselling profession in the federal civil service is the promotion of respectful, appreciative cooperation as an essential basis for successful cooperation, which is a feature of every successful organisation. Bullying is a serious disturbance in this respect, creates a stressful and degrading work environment and is often associated with long-term negative physical or psychosocial consequences for those affected.

In 2017, the Federal Ministry of Education therefore created structures for preventing and dealing with suspected cases of bullying in the federal civil service for the department's area of personnel responsibility as part of its bullying prevention strategy. The bullying (prevention) counsellors support directly affected employees of federal schools, educational administration, universities of teacher education and other directly subordinate departments of the Ministry in cases of suspected bullying.

Die Kontaktdaten der Mobbing(präventions)berater_innen des Burgenlandes finden Sie hier.